Sunday, February 21, 2010

Good news!!!!!

Yes it's true!!! We are pregnant!!!! We are about 17 weeks along. The first few months was hard. Lots of morning sickness. But so greatful to be bringing a life into this world. Another good news is that my sister Melanie is pregnant as well. She is about 5 weeks behind me. I'm so excited!!!

Christmas with the family.

Christmas with both families.

Janelle opening up a few gifts.

Dad playing santa.

Mom made cute kitchen hand towels.

Mom made me a apron!!! It's too cute.

Jason got a light to light up is tent when he goes camping.

We all went in and bought mom and dad a new camera. They really liked our camera so we got them the same one.

Mom and dad looking at there new camera.

What is that?

Mom opening up a gift we gave her. She had know Idea what it was. Yes, it's true!!! We are having a baby!!! Mom looking at a baby bootie and inside is a ultrasound picture


Opening up presents!!!

The best present of all!!!! We are having a baby!!!! Proud so to be new Grand parents are looking at the picture of the ultrasound.


Christmas morning!!! Can't wait for Jason to see what is under the tree.


Jason loves Mountain Dew.

I love Candy!!

More Candy.

My treky nerd!!!!
Cat's having fun with the wrapping paper and some cat nip.

Jason set up the TV

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Christmas Eve at Grandma Schuler's

Christmas would not be the same with out Christmas eve at Grandma house. We all love Grandma cooking and talking about good old times. Only thing missing was Melanie's family. But she did come down a few week later.

Grandma opening one of her gifts. It was perfect for her. A nut craker. Now she doesn't have to do it for hand. Like she has for the last 50 years.

Look at Grandma face. She so happy with her gift!

Janelle being dorky!!!

Just hanging out after dinner, having some good laughs.

Love Christma with Grandma!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Christmas ward party 2009

Everyone loves a party! This year ward Christmas party was a big hit. Everyone that could come went.

Everyone loves Santa!

Waiting for Santa.

Santa's little helper!