Friday, March 19, 2010

Tonight I felt little baby Jacob move. It felt so great. At first I didn't know if it was something else or was it Jacob. Then a second later I felt him kicked again. I was so happy I jumbed and called Jason at work to tell Jason the good news. Today I'm 20weeks and 5 days long.
I also went and got an Ultrasound. Baby Jacob is 384gr. almost a pound. Doctor said he is perfect size. Love you baby Jacob.

2nd day on our Anniversary.

On our second day of our Aniversary we went down to Peir 39 and had breakfest. We decided to have creps. Very yummy! After that we went to sea the sealions. Good morning.

One on of the side streets off of the Wharf we found Argentina food. Jason was so happy! It brought him back to his mission. The owners/cooks where from Argentina. Super nice. They let us sample food. We both enjoyed every bit.

Jason and I at the Zoo. Lot of fun seeing many animal.

What am I doing? Trying to be something scary!!!

Isn't the Lion so cute! Doesn't make you want to take a nap with it?

The beautiful beach. Lots of fun but very windy. We only stayed for about 20 minutes but it was worth it. We saw lots of kits and most of the got broken by the wind.

The Lombard street. Boy I will not be going on that road again. I think it was worse waiting on a very steep hill with big truck in font and many cars behind us. I was holding tight. Jason laughing the whole time.

Goodbye San Franscico it was great visting.
On our way home we stopped to have dinner at the Roadhouse. This restaurant was perfect to finish our Anniversary. It was upbeat and very cute. The service was great. They even gave us free dessert.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Jason surpised me with an over night trip in San Franscico. We stayed by Fisherman Wharf. We had so much fun, and the best weather you can ask for.

Seafood at Fisherman Wharf. Can't get fresher then that.

We took a tour ofthe famous San Franscico sour dough.

Having lunch...soup bowls....Yum!!!

Having fun at the wharf looking at all the shops.

Off to Union Square.

Whating for the bus.

We had an romantic dinner at this great restaurant. Nice soft music, and candels. Nice just to sit and talk about how great the year has been married and what we have to look forward to.

After dinner we walked around in the night life. What a romantic night.