Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Temple trip

Off to our weekend getaway!!! First we stopped at a Gas station to get a few snanks for our trip. We have made it an tradition!!! Yum!!!

Funny pictures with the lolly pops!!!

Jason using the phone. Doesn't he look smart!

One our way!!! Look at the pretty green hills.

The day before our anniversary we planed to go to the temple. It was such a lovely peaceful day We had the chance to work on some of my family genealogy. We sealed a few of my family together. What joy I felt and the happiness to know that my family has a chance to feel the love that Jason and I fell. Plus, I love hearing the promises we made a year ago.

One of my favorite thinks to do at the temple is walk around the temple grounds. Specially when it spring and all the new flowers are out.

Jason wanted to take a pic of me with the flowers.

Jason just taking time to smell the flowers. Too cute.

Taking a few pictures in front of the temple.

I love this picture in front of the temple.

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