Friday, November 27, 2009


This year Jason and I spent Thanksgiving with both families. We enjoyed dinner at D'boni's with my family. Always lots of fun watching the big football game on the big screen and kids get to play games. Then went to Jason family for dessert and played games. This year was very exciting for us. It's our first big holiday married.
Prepairing for Thanksgiving meal.

My favorite Aunt Judy and mom.

Jason and Dad looking at the adds for Black Friday. Funny thing is I know they would never get up that 3 am for a good deal.

Alex and Adian become long lost friends once again.

Look at all the yummy food. This year I brought the green bean cassarole. I was told we had 45-50 people coming so I made lots. I was worried we have not enough so I made lots. Let just say I made to much I had left overs for days. I needed up making 3 galons green beans.

The cuties Gramdma's in the world. Great Grandma King on left and Grandma Schuler on right.

Jason so happy it's thanksgiving.

Jason Family Thanksgiving

After going to D'boni's for thanksgiving dinner we went to Jason's family house for dessert and playing games. The Elders normally have Thanksgiving with the Garza family. It's always a ton of laughs playing games. At least last this year I didn't do what I did the year before.... I was excited playing the game Taboo and I let slip a word I'm not to proud to mention. Let just say I was the butt of the jokes and the Elders had fun time reminding me. In all we had great time.

Sarah loves to take pictures and looking at them on the camera. She such a sweet heart.

After eating good old Thanksgiving meals...And playing all day. Poor Jason just tuckered out.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Painted toes

I just have to tell everyone I have the best husband EVER!!! On Sunday night hanging out wondering what we should do. Some way I convinced Jason to paint my toe nails. I loved every minute of it. We had lots of laughs.
He doesn't know I'm going to post this. But can't wait to see his face when he does. I think it's good memories when we are old and moldy.

My husband is the best!!!

Fun night at D'boni's

One of the many fun nights at D'boni's!!!! Here is my friend Megan playing with a box and she fell over. I thought it was to cute I had to take a few pics of her. I never thought with playing with cardboard could be so fun.

My favorite thing to make at is an Apple pizza. I think this one looks so good I took a few pics of it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


In loving memory of my Friend-coworker Luann. I met her at my job D'boni's pizza. She was know for the best deliver driver in town. Al way hard working and never took a day off unless she was really sick. She passed away Nov 5th with fighting a painful 6 mouths of pancreatic cancer. She is and will always be a loving friend. She such a brave, mother to raise two sons all on her own. Moving across the country to make something better for her family. She will always be someone that I look up to and try become. Such a caring heart full of serving others and thinking not much of her own. Miss you and will see you again. Love your friend...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Being sick on Sunday

Being sick on Sunday is know fun. Jason has been sick for 4 days now. With a bad cold with pains all over him. Good thing no fever. I'm starting to feel a Little under the weather as well. But good thing we are watching my parents home. They have BUY channel. So I can still fill close to the spirit and learn more about the gospel. I pray that Jason will get well and that I can have the health not to get sick as well.

Alley Cat Guardians Clinic

This is a new spay and neuter clinic I am working in. To help out the feral and unwanted cat population. There are so many wonderful people that want to help in the cause. We have fixed 300 unwanted cats... Good job team!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Activity Days

My first night in my new calling (Activity Days). I'm really going to enjoy these girls. They are full of life and going to teach me lots.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Temple trip

Today Jason and I went to the temple. On the way there I realized that I forgot my recommend, that ment I could not go in. Well we made the best of the day. We went to the LDS book store and bought Jason a cute tie and I bought a book to help with my new calling in Sunbeams. Oh, also got a CD. Then off we went to the temple. Very sunny and beautiful. They started to put up the Christmas light. I just love this part of the year.
We hung out at the visitor center and learn about how Mormons came to California and the history behind it. We both really enjoyed it. After the stop at the visitor center we walked around temple square and saw a newly married couple and the wedding party took there picture in front of the camera. We looked at each other and I realized that today's date was the 7th and it has been 8 months since we been married for all time and eternity.
Even if we didn't have a chance to go in the temple. Today was a great peaceful day.

The BIG Lasagna

Jason took a few pictures of me last week making a very large lasagna for family dinner. It tasted great. They all wanted me to make it again. Good times.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Night at D'boni's

This year Jason and I were asked to work at D'boni's for Halloween. We had a blast with our co-worker. Everyone dressed up. Jason was a Jack-o-lantern. I (Wendy) was a nerd. Most of the girls dressed up as Twilight the book/movie that popular right now. John was an army guy and Danny a Hippie. In all we had fun and created some memories.

Me (Wendy) being a nerd!

Jason looked great. He was delivering most of the night and made $80.00 on tips. Go Jason!!! While delivering he scared a few people as well. He loves Halloween!!!!

Our boss Danny. He was a pizza hippie.

Luann is Miss Liberty!!!

Aunt Barb running the front counter.

Some of the family can by to trick or treat. Aren't they great!