Saturday, November 7, 2009

Temple trip

Today Jason and I went to the temple. On the way there I realized that I forgot my recommend, that ment I could not go in. Well we made the best of the day. We went to the LDS book store and bought Jason a cute tie and I bought a book to help with my new calling in Sunbeams. Oh, also got a CD. Then off we went to the temple. Very sunny and beautiful. They started to put up the Christmas light. I just love this part of the year.
We hung out at the visitor center and learn about how Mormons came to California and the history behind it. We both really enjoyed it. After the stop at the visitor center we walked around temple square and saw a newly married couple and the wedding party took there picture in front of the camera. We looked at each other and I realized that today's date was the 7th and it has been 8 months since we been married for all time and eternity.
Even if we didn't have a chance to go in the temple. Today was a great peaceful day.

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