Friday, November 27, 2009


This year Jason and I spent Thanksgiving with both families. We enjoyed dinner at D'boni's with my family. Always lots of fun watching the big football game on the big screen and kids get to play games. Then went to Jason family for dessert and played games. This year was very exciting for us. It's our first big holiday married.
Prepairing for Thanksgiving meal.

My favorite Aunt Judy and mom.

Jason and Dad looking at the adds for Black Friday. Funny thing is I know they would never get up that 3 am for a good deal.

Alex and Adian become long lost friends once again.

Look at all the yummy food. This year I brought the green bean cassarole. I was told we had 45-50 people coming so I made lots. I was worried we have not enough so I made lots. Let just say I made to much I had left overs for days. I needed up making 3 galons green beans.

The cuties Gramdma's in the world. Great Grandma King on left and Grandma Schuler on right.

Jason so happy it's thanksgiving.

Jason Family Thanksgiving

After going to D'boni's for thanksgiving dinner we went to Jason's family house for dessert and playing games. The Elders normally have Thanksgiving with the Garza family. It's always a ton of laughs playing games. At least last this year I didn't do what I did the year before.... I was excited playing the game Taboo and I let slip a word I'm not to proud to mention. Let just say I was the butt of the jokes and the Elders had fun time reminding me. In all we had great time.

Sarah loves to take pictures and looking at them on the camera. She such a sweet heart.

After eating good old Thanksgiving meals...And playing all day. Poor Jason just tuckered out.

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