Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ward Halloween Party

.This year ward Halloween party rock!!! Lots of people had the Halloween spirit. We had a chili cook off. Which I cooked all day and made a great chili, But know one told me you had to come early. Oh well, we had fun making it.
At the party there was lots of games and good family fun. Many people and great costumes. Trunk and treat was fun, Jason hide in the car and scared all the kids. Good times

Wendy the Nerd!?!

Jason and his scary costume!!!

A few member of my ward family.

Young men, AKA the Stripling Warriors. What great costums.

"Trunk or Treat" Jason always love to trick the kids. He is hiding in the car, and scaring them, or sticking out his hand when they reach for candy. Always a kid at heart.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving Pumpkins.

After buying so many pumpkins at Del Oso farms we decided to carve them with they family. We all had so much fun.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Jason and I decided to have a date at then Del Oso farms. We both had not been there for many years. We had lots of fun. So much to do and see. First going through the big corn maze was fun, but I learned quickly that I wore the wrong shoe and clothing. I expected it to be a nice fall day, but no, it was hot. I was miserable. Jason was such a sweet heart. We went back to the car to try to find a hair tie, to put up my hair. No luck, but I found a pin that worked well. After that I was able to cool off enough to enjoy the rest of the day.
Until we went to the haunted house. Let just say being scared isn't my favorite thing to do. Jason loves them. I held his arm so tight through the whole thing. Let just say, I did couldn't go through it a second time.
After that we where off to to blast some pumpkins. But my favorite part was looking for the perfect pumpkin was lots of fun and laughs. As you can tell we ended bring lots home.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Decorating for Halloween

Our first Halloween being married. We wanted to have fun and decorate. Hope you like. It looks more spooky in person.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Flower from my Love

Today I came home to a wonderful surprise buy my husband. He left me flowers, and a note that made me tear up. Jason is so thoughtful, and loving. It just really mean a lot when he take time out of his day to do the small thing for me and for our family. Just want to tell him I love you and thank you for all that you do. For wanting to spend all Eternity with me. :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yosemite with the family!

We went camping with Jason family up in Yosemite late September. We had wonderful weather and lots of laughs. Wendy was sick for the first few days. No fun!! But once she felt better, they where all able to have fun.

When we got to the campground the rangers told us there was a mother bear and two cubs. There has been many times we been to Yosemite, and only seen a bear once or twice at a distance. There is something with Jason that attracts them! He always has good luck with seeing bears. But I don't know if you can call it good luck!

We got to see the mother bear and her cubs up close many times. There was a few times they got too close and had to scare them away. The other campers where not to happy with us. They where asking us to please stop. We tried telling it wasn't good for the bears to be so close to us, even though they're not going after are food. In all it was great to know that we got to be up that close to a momma bear and her cubs.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Craft

I love this weather, very windy and rainy. It's the first true sign it's fall. We getting so excited to decorate my home. Jason favorite holiday is Halloween and I love to decorate. I went to the craft store and bought a fall garland and with flowers made a beautiful fall window arrangement. I so proud of my self the way it looked and how cheep it bought the supplies.

Another idea I had was to get branches and but spider web and make the front of the house all scary looking. Jason and I went to my dad orchard and spent an hour or more finding the perfect branches. We decided to take off all the leaves them and that was not fun. But I know that It will look great when it's all but together.