Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ward Halloween Party

.This year ward Halloween party rock!!! Lots of people had the Halloween spirit. We had a chili cook off. Which I cooked all day and made a great chili, But know one told me you had to come early. Oh well, we had fun making it.
At the party there was lots of games and good family fun. Many people and great costumes. Trunk and treat was fun, Jason hide in the car and scared all the kids. Good times

Wendy the Nerd!?!

Jason and his scary costume!!!

A few member of my ward family.

Young men, AKA the Stripling Warriors. What great costums.

"Trunk or Treat" Jason always love to trick the kids. He is hiding in the car, and scaring them, or sticking out his hand when they reach for candy. Always a kid at heart.

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