Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Jason and I decided to have a date at then Del Oso farms. We both had not been there for many years. We had lots of fun. So much to do and see. First going through the big corn maze was fun, but I learned quickly that I wore the wrong shoe and clothing. I expected it to be a nice fall day, but no, it was hot. I was miserable. Jason was such a sweet heart. We went back to the car to try to find a hair tie, to put up my hair. No luck, but I found a pin that worked well. After that I was able to cool off enough to enjoy the rest of the day.
Until we went to the haunted house. Let just say being scared isn't my favorite thing to do. Jason loves them. I held his arm so tight through the whole thing. Let just say, I did couldn't go through it a second time.
After that we where off to to blast some pumpkins. But my favorite part was looking for the perfect pumpkin was lots of fun and laughs. As you can tell we ended bring lots home.

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