Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yosemite with the family!

We went camping with Jason family up in Yosemite late September. We had wonderful weather and lots of laughs. Wendy was sick for the first few days. No fun!! But once she felt better, they where all able to have fun.

When we got to the campground the rangers told us there was a mother bear and two cubs. There has been many times we been to Yosemite, and only seen a bear once or twice at a distance. There is something with Jason that attracts them! He always has good luck with seeing bears. But I don't know if you can call it good luck!

We got to see the mother bear and her cubs up close many times. There was a few times they got too close and had to scare them away. The other campers where not to happy with us. They where asking us to please stop. We tried telling it wasn't good for the bears to be so close to us, even though they're not going after are food. In all it was great to know that we got to be up that close to a momma bear and her cubs.

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