Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wendy Birthday!!

This year Jason took me to Santa Cruz, Where we had lots of fun on the beach and enjoying our time together. Before we left that morning Jason gave me clues to find my birthday gift. I drove all over town to different places we have been together. Finally at the end I found Jason and his uncle house with my present. He got me a new set of scripture that have my named engraved in it. I was so happy to own a pair that have my new last name. Now Jason's little cousin wont make fun of me.
When we got to Santa Cruz, Jason to me to the board walk. Sad think it was closed. But we had fun walking the beach and playing with the birds. After that we decided to over to the warf and see what we can find. Lots of sea lions and Pelicans. We took picture of fun standing by them. I even touched one. Jason got scared when the bird went after my finger. But I had know worries I new the bird was trying to sleep and I was faster reflexes.
Then Jason to me to the big and exciting Mystery spot!!! We had fun trying to guess what makes it such a mystory. After hanging out we went to an sea life mueseum, that had a real life skeleton of a blue whale. Then after a fun and long day Jason took me to the Outback steakhouse for dinner and then hung out that the San Jose mail. By the end of the night my stomach was hurting and feeling sick. I thought it was from my bad food choices form dinner, but I ended up with the stomach flu. Happy birthday to me.
What worse then that. All the pictures that we took were gone. Our chip stop working and can't get them back. I was so mad. No birthday pictures to remeber or fun day. Oh, well. Can't change what happened. Better luck next year.

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